Bai Juyi

Bai Juyi (白居易)

There are no contemporaneous portraits of Bai Juyi; this an impression by Chen Hongshou, a later artist, of the Ming Dynasty.
Born 772
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Died 846
Xiangshan Monastery, Longmen (Luoyang), Henan, China.
Occupation Poet, Government official

Bai Juyi (Chinese: 白居易; pinyin: Bái Jūyì; Wade-Giles: Po Chü-i; Japanese: はく きょい ('Haku Kyo'i)) (772–846) was a Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty. Many of his poems concern his career or observations made as a government official, including as governor of three different provinces. Bai Juyi was also renowned in Japan. Burton Watson says of Bai Juyi: "he worked to develop a style that was simple and easy to understand, and posterity has requited his efforts by making him one of the most well-loved and widely read of all Chinese poets, both in his native land and in the other countries of the East that participate in the appreciation of Chinese culture. He also, thanks to the translations and biographical studies by Arthur Waley, one of the most accessible to English readers".[1] Today the fame of Bai Juyi is worldwide.

Chinese: 白居易
Pinyin: Bó Jūyì or Bái Jūyì
Wade-Giles: Po Chü-i or Pai Chü-i
Zì 字: Lètiān 樂天
Hào 號: Xiāngshān Jūshì 香山居士
Zuìyín Xiānshēng 醉吟先生
Shì 謚: Wén 文 (hence referred
to as Bái Wéngōng 白文公)


Name variants

Bai Juyi often referred to himself in life as Letian, the older English transcription version being Lo-t'ien. Later in life, he referred to himself as the Hermit of Xiangshan.


Bai Juyi was born and lived in the period poetically considered to be Middle Tang. This was a period of rebuilding and recovery for the Tang Empire, following the An Shi Rebellion, and following the poetically flourishing era famous for Li Bo (701-762), Wang Wei (701-761), and Du Fu (712-770). Bai Juyi lived through the reign of eight or nine emperors, being born in the Dali regnal era (766-779) of Emperor Daizong of Tang. He had a long and successful creer both as a government officaial and a poet, although the two seem to have come in conflict with each other at certain points. Bai Juyi was also a devoted Chan Buddist.[2]

Birth and childhood

Bai Juyi was born in 772,[3] in Taiyuan, Shanxi,[4] which was then a few miles from location of the modern city. Although he was in Zhengyang, Henan for most of his childhood.[5] His family was poor but scholarly, his father being an Assistant Department Magistrate of the second-class.[6] At the age of ten he was sent away from his family to avoid a war that broke out in the north of China, and went to live with relatives in the area known as Jiangnan, more specifically Xuzhou.

Early career

Bai Juyi's official career was initially successful. He passed the jinshi examinations in 800.[7] And, Bai Juyi seems to have taken up residence in the western capital city of Chang'an, in 801.[8] And, not long after this Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen began their long friendship.[9] Bai Juyi's father died in 804, and the young Bai spent the traditional period of retirement mourning the death of his parent, which he did along the Wei River, near to the capital.[10] 806 was the first full year of the reign of Emperor Xianzong of Tang. Also, 806 was the Bai Juyi was appointed to a minor post as a government official, at Zhouzhi,[11] which was not far from the Chang'an (and also in Shaanxi province). He was a made a member (scholar) of the Hanlin Academy, in 807,[12] and Reminder of the Left from 807 until 815. Except that in 811, his mother died: he spent the traditional three year retirement period, again along the Wei River; and then, returned to court in the winter of 814.,[13] where he held the title of Assistant Secretary to the Prince's Tutor,[14] not exactly the highest ranking position, but one which he was soon to loose.


While serving as a minor palace official, 814, Bei Juyi managed to get himself in official trouble. He managed to make a few enemies at court and with certain individuals in other positions. It was partly his written works which lead him into trouble. He wrote two long memorials, translated by Arthur Waley as "On Stopping the War", regarding what he considered to be an overly lengthy campaign against a minor group of Tatars; and he wrote a series of poems, in which he satirized the actions of greedy officials and highlighting the sufferings of the common folk.[15]

At this time, one of the post An Lushan warlords (jiedushi), Wu Yuanji, in Henan had seized control of Zhangyi Circuit (centered in Zhumadian), an act for which he sought reconciliation with the imperial government, trying to get an imperial pardon as a necessary prerequisite. Despite the intercession of influential friends, Wu was denied: thus officially putting him in the position of rebellion. Still seeking a pardon, Wu turned to assassination, blaming the Prime Minister (another Wu, Wu Yuanheng) and other officials: the imperial court generally began by dawn, requiring the ministers to rise early in order to attend in a timely manner; and, on July 13, 815, before dawn, the Tang Prime Wu Yuanheng was set to go to the palace for a meeting with Emperor Xianzong. As he left his house, suddenly, arrows were fired at his train. His servants all fled, and the assassins seized Wu Yuanheng and his horse, and then decapitated him, taking his head with them. The assassins also attacked another official who favored the campaign against the rebellious warlords, Pei Du, but was unable to kill him. The people at the capital were shocked and there was turmoil, with officials refusing to leave their personal residences until after dawn.

In this context, Bai Juyi overstepped his minor position by memorializing the emperor.[16] As Assistant Secretary to the Prince's Tutor, Bai's memorial was indeed a breach of protocol: he should have waited for those of censorial authority to take the lead, before offering his own criticism.[17] This was not the only charge which his opponents used against him. The death of his mother had apparently been caused by falling into a well while looking a some flowers: that Bai Juyi had written two poems—the titles of which Waley translates as "In Praise of Flowers" and "The New Well" -- were used against him as a lack of Filial Piety,[18] one of the Confucian ideals. The result was exile: Bai Juyi was demoted to the rank of Sub-Prefect and banished from the court and the capital city to Jiujiang, then known as Xun Yang[19] on the southern shores of the Yangtze River in northwest Jiangxi Province, China. After three years he was sent as Governor of a remote place in Sichuan.[20] At the time, the main travel route there was up the Yangzi River. This trip allowed Bai Juyi a few days to visit his friend Yuan Zhen, who was also in exile, with whom he explored the rock caves located at Yichang.[21] Bai Juyi was delighted by the flowers and trees for which his new location was noted, until 819, when he was recalled to the capital.[22] This was the end of his exile.

Return to the capital and a new emperor

In 819, Bai Juyi was recalled to the capital and put in the position of second-class Assistant Secretary.[23] In 821, China got a new emperor, Muzong. After succeeding to the throne, Muzong spent his time feasting and heavily drinking, and neglecting his duties as emperor. Meanwhile, the temporarily subdued regional military governors (jiedushi) began to challenge the central Tang government, leading to the new de facto independence of three circuits north of the Yellow River, whichhad been subdued by Emperor Xianzong. Furthermore, Muzong's administration was characterized by massive corruption. Again, Bai Juyi wrote a series of memorials in remonstrance.

As Governor of Hangzhou

Again, Bai Juyi was sent away from the court and the capital, but this time to the important position of the thriving town of Hangzhou,[24] which was at the southern terminus of the Grand Canal Fortunately for their friendship, Yuan Zhen at the time was serving an assignment in nearby Ningbo, so the two could occasionally get together,[25] at least until Bai Juyi's term as Governor expired.

Life near Luoyang

In 824, Bai Juyi's commission as governor expired, and he relocated with the nominal rank of Imperial Tutor to a village near the "eastern capital", Luoyang.[26]

Governor of Suzhou

In 825, and fifty-three years old, Bai Juyi was given the position of Governor of Suzhou,[27] on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and on the shores of Taihu Lake. For the first two years he enjoyed himself with feasts and picnic outings, but after a couple of years he became ill, and he was forced into a period of retirement.[28]

Later career

After his time as Prefect of Hangzhou (822-824) and then Suzhou (825-827), Bai Juyi returned to the capital. He then served in various official posts in the capital, and then again as prefect/governor, this time of Henan province,[29] which was the province in which Luoyang was part of. It was in Henan that his first son was born, though only to die prematurely the next year; and, in 831 Yuan Zhen died.[30] For the next thirteen years, Bai Juyi continued to hold various nominal posts, but actually lived in retirement.


In 832, Bai Juyi repaired an unused part of the Xiangshan Monestary, at Longmen,[31] about 7.5 miles south of Luoyang. Bai Juyi moved to this location, and began to refer to himself as the "Hermit of Xianshang".[32] This area, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is famous for its its tens of thousands of statues of Buddha and his disciples carved out of the rock. In 839, he experienced a paralytic attack, losing the use of his left leg, and being a bedridden invalid for several months. After his partial recovery, he spent his final years arranging his Collected Works, which he presented to the main monasteries of those localities in which he had spent time.[33]


In 846, Bai Juyi died, leaving instructions for a simple burial in a grave at the monastery, with a plain style funeral, and not to have a posthumous title conferred upon him.[34] He has a tomb monument, in Longmen, situated on Xiangshan, across the Yi River from the Longmen cave temples in the vicinity of Luoyang, Henan. It is a circular mound of earth 4 meters high, 52 meters in circumference, and with a 2.80 meter high Monument inscribed "Bai Juyi".


Bai Juyi has been known for his plain, direct, and easily comprehensible style of verse, as well as for his social and political criticism. Besides his surviving poems, several letters and essays are also extent.


One of the most prolific of the Tang poets, Bai Juyi wrote over 2,800 poems, which he had copied and distributed to ensure their survival. They are notable for their relative accessibility: it is said that he would rewrite any part of a poem if one of his servants was unable to understand it. The accessibility of Bai Juyi's poems made them extremely popular in his lifetime, in both China and Japan, and they continue to be read in these countries today.

Famous poems

Two of his most famous works are the long narrative poems The Song of Everlasting Sorrow, which tells the story of Yang Guifei, and The Song of the Pipa Player. Like Du Fu, he had a strong sense of social responsibility and is well-known for his satirical poems, such as The Elderly Charcoal Seller.

Bai Juyi also wrote intensely romantic poems to fellow officials with whom he studied and traveled. These speak of sharing wine, sleeping together, and viewing the moon and mountains. One friend, Yu Shunzhi, sent Bai a bolt of cloth as a gift from a far-off posting, and Bai Juyi debated on how best to use the precious material:

About to cut it to make a mattress,
pitying the breaking of the leaves;
about to cut it to make a bag,
pitying the dividing of the flowers.
It is better to sew it,
making a coverlet of joined delight;
I think of you as if I'm with you,
day or night.[35]

Technical virtuosity

Bai Juyi was known for his interest in the old yuefu form of poetry, which was a typical form of Han poetry, namely folk ballad verses, collected or written by the Music Bureau.[36] These were often a form of social protest. And, in fact, writing poetry to promote social progress was explicitly one of his objectives.[37] He is also known for his well-written poems in the regulated verse style.

See also



  1. ^ Watson, 184
  2. ^ Hinton, 266
  3. ^ Waley (1941), 126
  4. ^ Waley (1941), 127
  5. ^ Waley (1941), 127
  6. ^ Waley (1941), 127
  7. ^ Waley (1941), 126
  8. ^ Waley {1941}, 127
  9. ^ Waley {1941}, 127
  10. ^ Waley {1941}, 126 and 130
  11. ^ Waley {1941}, 126
  12. ^ Waley {1941}, 126
  13. ^ Waley {1941}, 126
  14. ^ Waley {1941}, 130
  15. ^ Waley (1941), 130
  16. ^ Waley (1941), 130
  17. ^ Waley (1941), 130
  18. ^ Waley (1941), 130
  19. ^ Waley (1941), 130-131
  20. ^ Waley (1941), 131, Waley refers to this place as "Chung-chou".
  21. ^ Waley (1941), 131
  22. ^ Waley (1941), 131
  23. ^ Waley (1941), 131
  24. ^ Waley (1941), 131
  25. ^ Waley (1941), 131
  26. ^ Waley (1941), 131. Waley refers to this village as "Li-tao-li."
  27. ^ Waley (1941), 132. Others translate his title of Governor as Prefect, instead.
  28. ^ Waley (1941), 132
  29. ^ Waley (1941), 132
  30. ^ Waley (1941), 132
  31. ^ Waley (1941), 132
  32. ^ Waley (1941), 132
  33. ^ Waley (1941), 133
  34. ^ Waley (1941), 133
  35. ^ Hinsch, 80-81
  36. ^ Hinton, 265
  37. ^ Hinton, 265

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